Erica Rothman has the calm, professional presence you need in your most difficult moments.

Whether you are dealing with conflict at work, planning for the end of your life, or working out a loved one’s probate matters, Erica can help with compassion and care. A seasoned professional in high-conflict, high-stress areas, Erica is dedicated to bringing her clients through difficult processes with kindness.

Services for Employers

We spend many hours of our lives at work. It’s natural that conflict arises there. When that happens, leaders need help from a professional who can be both impartial and compassionate. Erica Rothman has spent more than a decade honing her skills at investigation, conflict resolution, HR consulting, and being a thoughtful sounding board for leaders. 

Employment Services Offered:

  • Impartial investigations, with a special focus on discrimination, harassment, bullying, retaliation, and whistleblower matters. 

  • HR consulting on performance management and complex allegations of wrongdoing. 

  • Conflict resolution for two to four employees and workplace climate scans for groups of five or more employees. 

  • Consultation on building internal investigation structures and processes for existing teams. 

  • Training on the elements of an equitable work environment — coming soon!

Estate Planning & Probate

When it comes to our passing, we are faced with many hard decisions. It can feel like the only certainty is that we will pass, and what we leave behind for our loved ones is a mystery. With thoughtful estate planning, the administrative burdens we bequeath our loved ones can be minimized.

Estate Planning & Probate Services Offered:

  • Preparation or updating of wills, including instructions for burial or cremation as well as management of your health and finances should one become unable to make those choices.

  • Preparation of trusts to ensure one’s assets are used in the way they wish.

  • Representation of personal representatives during probate proceedings.

  • Representation of trustees in trust administration matters.

  • Inquiries about conservatorships and guardianships accepted on a case by case basis. Reach out for more info.